Wednesday 18 March 2009

Cocktails and Cabaret!

Fancy a glamorous night out? Cocktails and Cabaret at the Tangerine Tree on Wednesday 1st April from 8pm to celebrate the 1st Birthday of Tangerine Tree’s opening!
“Totnes seems to be lacking a night out that doesn’t involve going to the pub, especially since the closure of Kingsbridge Inn, we wanted to offer something a bit special for one night only!” Organisers of the event, Hattie, Lucy and Jasmine from DCA.
Pre-book a table of 4 for £5 and receive a complimentary luxury Bento Box (please specify meat or vegetarian). This is the perfect way to start the night by indulging in some nibbles before live music & cabaret performances from ‘Naughty Toes & Muffin Tops’ Company. There will also be a projection room showing innovative new film and providing a lounge area to relax and enjoy a cocktail.
Guests are encouraged to dress to impress in their finest. The organisers stress that there will be no entry fee “we wanted people to be able to have a glamorous night out even during difficult financial times” this makes the night accessible to all and is aimed at the old and young alike, students and locals and is all about feeling a bit special after those long winter months.
So dust of those bowties and once shiny shoes grab the glam heels and slap on some lippy and celebrate in style with the tangerine tree.
Please call The Tangerine Tree 01803 840853, pop in on 50 High Street or visit to book a table or for more information. You can also call one of the organisers for more information: Lucy – 07966246889.

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